Things that You Didn’t Know about ADHD

A lot of people wonder, what is adhd? What does it affect and how does it work? What is a good adhd treatment and is there an alternative adhd treatment? All of these questions are asked by people who have recently been diagnosed, and the families and friends of those who have been diagnosed with the disorder. ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and it is defined as the severe inability to pay attention or control impulsive behaviors paired with being overly active. There is a lot of information crucial to understanding adhd.

Three types.

There are three types of adhd; predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, predominantly inattentive, and combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive. Most of the symptoms to predominantly hyperactive-impulsive fall under the category of hyperactive and impulsive while most of the inattentive symptoms fall under the inattentive category with a few also in the hyperactive category. Combined has six or more symptoms from both.


Many scientists have yet to agree on a definitive cause, but a lot of studies suggest that genes play a very large role in the process. Some international studies of twins have shown that the disorder most likely runs in families. Some children with the disorder seem to carry a specific version of a gene that causes the brain tissue around the attention areas of the brain to thin. Some other perceived causes include are environmental factors such as smoking and drinking during pregnancy, brain injuries, refined sugar, and food additives.

Symptoms and treatment options.

Symptoms vary from type to type. Inattentive types usually have symptoms ranging from missing details and forgetting things to difficulty focusing on one thing and frequent daydreaming at inopportune times. Hyperactive types have symptoms such as fidgeting, talking nonstop, and having to be in constant motion. A lot of impulsive types are very impatient and blurt out inappropriate comments and lack restraint. The main treatment option is medications such as Adderall, Concerta, and Ritalin. An alternative ct adhd dr for those who do not want to medicate is proper education and psychotherapy.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a mental illness that is still, in most parts of the world, being studied for other causes and triggers and other forms of treatments as most people do not like to medicate their children. There is some worry as to over medicating and the possible outcomes of doing so. At the moment the percentage of children being diagnosed and treated for the disorder ranges from 5-8% or 6-8.5 million.

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